Sunday Stroll

I was out on a walk earlier, and as I passed a small Spanish church, a casket was being pulled out of a hurst and subsequently carried into the sanctuary for a funeral. And as I uncomfortably paid witness, I remembered an anecdote I heard the other day. It reads like this:

A man, who in searching for the meaning of happiness, sought out an old Swami who was said to live on the side of a certain cliff. And after a bit of searching, he found the old Swami. And he approached the man of wisdom and asked him earnestly, 'Old Swami, how do I find happiness.' The swami replied without hesitation, 'Come back in six months.' And so the man left and like clockwork, six months later, he returned to the Swami. Again he asked, 'Old Swami, how do I find happiness.' Again, without pause, the Swami replied, 'Come back in another six months.' Another six months passed, and the man returned and asked the same. The Swami, this time after a long breath, replied, 'Grandfather dies. Father dies. Son dies.' With a boiling frustration the man asked, 'Crazy old man, you made me wait all this while for this. How is this answer in any way happiness?' The Swami looked at the man in the eyes and said, 'Only if it happens in this order.'

Without Relent,
Remoy Philip