Humble-Brag: Christmas Edition

A lot of years prior, I was really excited to get gifts. This year, it didn't cross my mind. This year, I was really excited to give. Not in a big corporal setting. Not in a big "Let me help the poor" type of grandiose gesture. I was excited to give people I care about a place to be for the holidays. I was excited to cook for my family; I was excited to bestow a setting and a place to grub, watch basketball, drink beer, and a place they could tell everyone they felt loved and adequately so during the holidays. I was, and am, blessed to have people to share my home with and people I can celebrate something very close and very special with.

I am blessed because I could give. More so though, I am blessed because I have been learned that giving will always supersede the value of getting.

Without Relent,

PS: Sure it took me 27 years to understand this; that's why it's called a humble-brag so sue me.
Remoy Philip