Slip Slidin Away
The other day I had the interesting opportunity to go ice skating. I was sure that my previously experienced fruit-bootin' body was still accustomed to the motions of skating, so doing it on the frigid slippery ice would be no prob. Well, when I got out there, it was frightening and cold, and with all the young bucks cuttin', bobbin', and mixin' all in front, around, and through me I was left nervous and wanting to go home. But after awhile, I didn't get the hang out of it, but I somehow managed to only fall a miniscule five times, and my ego was only half depleted. I would say I stayed afloat.
At my last job (before the one-night stand with Kim Sayer), I remember one day I was just doin' my thing with some organic fruit of some sort, and this gentleman came up to me and asked me, "How are yah doing?" "Good," I replied. "You maintaining?" He shot back. "Maintaining?" "Yeah, you know. It's all you can do sometime; just maintain." "Yeah, I'm maintaining..."
I really didn't mean what I said, nor did I really give a second thought to what I thought was a problematic perspective on life. Life is about moving forward, no matter how far you step back. Always move forward. At least that's what I thought.
If you asked me how did you like Ice Skating? I would reply, "Ask me next time. Last time I was just staying afloat." Remember when you first tried swimming--some people refer to it at trying not to drown--You wouldn't call that swimming, you'd call it trying to stay afloat. Same thing for my stint on the frozen pond, I wasn't skating I was merely trying to stay afloat.
I guess I have come to terms with my gentleman customer's previous question: "Are you maintaining?" I think about it now. This holiday season, I am just trying to stay afloat. I am just maintaining. It's ok, at least I'm not drowning...
Be Relentless,