
Man I'm recovering from a few weeks of "gettin' some" from life. I had a couple of weeks of just being the bitch of life. And my friends, it was such a renewal of sorts. I mean I have never felt more alive in my life. I had to fight through torrents of blazing life renewing heat.

I hate politics. Politics like Religion is that part of our culture that somehow regulates humans into categories of Blue and Red. Unfortunately Blue, Red, Black, White, Christian, and Non-Christian are only colours; hearts, dreams, ideals, visions and visionaries are not restricted to colours(You may have to re-read this in a British accent).

I have had a rebirth in dr. pepper and cigarettes.

How do I become a refined "change" if I'm still not comfortable in my own flesh.

There is a burning fire in my heart. Sometimes this heart just doesn't know where to invest the vigor of the Justice that has been planted by my Just God. I just keep walking with eyes open and feet filled with a passion that will carry me to my grave.

Sir Thomas More wrote about what God had destined.
Remoy Philip