I'm dreaming of a white Vday...
I figure I would take the "alentines" out of the equation to equal it out for all the superchristians...
All joking and galavanting aside, but I don't know if it's a positive omen(that may not be possible) or a negative one, but I love having snow on Vday. Maybe it's because I live in New York, and snow just makes the city that more much dope, but I just dig it. I mean walking the sludge aka: snow feces, isn't the greatest, but seeing the red accompanied by the white living in Gotham for one day, isn't all that bad.
So this evening I was playin' some sugar hold'em with the Dan and Joshy pooh... and as we bailed from the MUD, I saw an Indian Cutie with a booty. Now as I walked past her, I saw her give me one of those double-take smiles which included a "I see you lookin' at me lookin' at you" smiles and of course... I did nothing. I blame my lack of communication, on the fact that Josh and Dan didn't kick me in my pre-pubescent balls. I mean, it's all their fault. But don't worry kids, my mommy called me and reassured me that she birthed a son who did have balls; he just isn't able to locate them yet.
Dude, it's such a cold valentines day, let's keep our hearts warm for the people who are beaten and bruised by love. My church reminded me of how many women are physicaly beaten and bruised; And think about how many dudes have been scarred by love or lack there of. This commercial(Even if it is, I still love it) holiday, can be a thorn to so many people. Let's rip it in prayer and supplication for those who don't know any sort of love. Let's be a redemptive love to the lost.
Let's forget the grimy, dirty, political christianese, and let's embrace the good news of redemption and walk in a meek authority. That's some heavy stuff for this Indian to embrace... but that's why ya'll are around to push me to walk that business out.
Now don't you kids go a worryin' just yet about the women in your life. However, soon enough, when I do find my misplaced "testiculars"(Samuel Dobbs), I'm out for your women...
Be Relentless,
All joking and galavanting aside, but I don't know if it's a positive omen(that may not be possible) or a negative one, but I love having snow on Vday. Maybe it's because I live in New York, and snow just makes the city that more much dope, but I just dig it. I mean walking the sludge aka: snow feces, isn't the greatest, but seeing the red accompanied by the white living in Gotham for one day, isn't all that bad.
So this evening I was playin' some sugar hold'em with the Dan and Joshy pooh... and as we bailed from the MUD, I saw an Indian Cutie with a booty. Now as I walked past her, I saw her give me one of those double-take smiles which included a "I see you lookin' at me lookin' at you" smiles and of course... I did nothing. I blame my lack of communication, on the fact that Josh and Dan didn't kick me in my pre-pubescent balls. I mean, it's all their fault. But don't worry kids, my mommy called me and reassured me that she birthed a son who did have balls; he just isn't able to locate them yet.
Dude, it's such a cold valentines day, let's keep our hearts warm for the people who are beaten and bruised by love. My church reminded me of how many women are physicaly beaten and bruised; And think about how many dudes have been scarred by love or lack there of. This commercial(Even if it is, I still love it) holiday, can be a thorn to so many people. Let's rip it in prayer and supplication for those who don't know any sort of love. Let's be a redemptive love to the lost.
Let's forget the grimy, dirty, political christianese, and let's embrace the good news of redemption and walk in a meek authority. That's some heavy stuff for this Indian to embrace... but that's why ya'll are around to push me to walk that business out.
Now don't you kids go a worryin' just yet about the women in your life. However, soon enough, when I do find my misplaced "testiculars"(Samuel Dobbs), I'm out for your women...
Be Relentless,