Between the River and the Ravens
Just for a rhetorical discussion.
THE conservatives have been saying that with universal healthcare that they would have to pay, through their tax dollars, for abortions. They would be paying for something they are against; don't believe in; sin. And rightfully so. I agree it's unjust for the government to force you to do so (however let's consent that the government has forced our country's peoples to fund things much more heinous and under the scruples of integrity and even religious honor).
But for discussions sake, it's interesting to consider now that healthcare reform is starting, to see how many people, how many couples now can actually entertain the idea of having a child rather than an abortion. Let's be honest, healthcare costs are terribly unjust and terribly expensive. Birthing a child in a hospital, damn thievery. But now that people have the option of an actual feasible pregnancy when compared to having an abortion, it will be interesting to see the results. Will everyone's tax dollars now go to cover more abortions or more new lives. Look our country is getting older. At least right now it's a fact. Maybe now, we can alleviate that pressure and the fear of what it costs to have a little person and enjoy the beauty of having a child.
Also, with those tax dollars consider all the miracles you can be apart of. Consider that.
Without Relent,