
Ah, tis tis.

I feel the Tiger's getting the best of me. I read the other day, if you're a rat, which '84 makes me, then you must be on the run. For those four legged felines are 'bout to be on your ass, so you better run. Run rat, run. And I'm feelin' the pain. As of right now, I have a bum back, a shoulder that's not in pain, but I fear could be relatively soon, and an oddity of sorts, but I have a cut/sore/death in the back top left corner of my mouth that keeps me from opening my mouth to wide say I want to eat. And that's just like this week.

Ah, who am I to complain. My time so far being on the run has been good. I've survived any near death experiences by laughing or watching Lost. We got a Montana trip in the works; however, I've been informed of how cheap Aruba can be made and the luxuries that are provided makes me wanna jump off Montana's ship and jump on board to Aruba.

Here's the deal with what almost happened in the Boozer trade. And the biggest part, the biggest implicit voice that I heard, was that the Heat were ready to give up Beasley. That's straight up bullshit. Other than Flash, Beasley's your man. He's got great star potential. He's proven he can work out his messes and with that shows his dedication. And the dude epitomizes the new small big man that the league is thriving off of; and dude does it well. So to say to him indirectly, you're the man, and so the man, that we're going to get rid of you after all you've given to us, I just don't know if that was a smart move. And for Boozer? I've never been sold on Boozer's consistent ability. I think Michael Beasley is franchise. Even if they lose Wade next year, quote me on this, Beasley will get you to a .500 year season.

This is honestly in my lifetime my fourth time taking elementary Spanish. Part of it being my prof and part of it being my, about-time, maturation, but I may actually get somewhere. My professor at times will digress into a small but heartfelt diatribe on the social undertones involved with the Spanish language and the Spanish culture.And for me, that's imperative. So with that understood and my take on language the hardest part for me to marry is this. And it gets complicated so if you don't get it, its just that I'm a terrible teacher.

Where do you draw the line between learning a language? Now what's the parameters to this line? Or at least the poles of the binary? I say one side is utility or necessity, and the other is romance and social capital. And the latter is what frustrates me and gives me plenty of reason not to want to learn another language. In fact, the utility and its values is meager in comparison for my loathing of those who undertake language simply for romance and social capital. It's complicated, but I believe for those who use a lesser language, meaning lesser in contrast with that of the hegemony, and then migrate and assimilate their values and even language into that of the hegemony their story and their mother tongue is way more than just social capital. And deep in their memory, where the language is natural and synonymous with pictures of their past and smells of their homes, it is a mockery to consider that language to be used and spoken of in terms of social capital.

Now for utility's sake, for me it is admissible. It's obvious to most, via statistics, that we need Spanish specifically in this country. Somehow Spanish, the language, hasn't been overcome by English. Maybe through the luck of numbers and necessity it has survived. And because of that survival, its staying power has changed America and therefore changed the way we speak. So for that Spanish needs to be learned for utility's sake. But again there's that line. I never once spoke Spanish growing up, minus the American Spanish colloquialisms, and for me to take it on and use it with bravado proves me ignorant to the values of those who only speak it or have survived off of it. I've had English and I haven't felt the toil and challenge of surviving off of it. English isn't my second language. Spanish would be.

I don't know but I will leave this as my move towards check mate, for those people who own Spanish as their social capital, as their ability to be full of shit. Know that Spanish is a colonizer's language and for you to speak it so luxuriously makes you just like those that came to the early Aztecan or Inca and forced it on them initially. For in the same way that early Indian was a joke to the Spanish conquistador, the same way you treat the new Spanish Indians.

Without Relent,
Remoy Philip