God's days

I celebrated, or at least observed, my first holiday, religiously bound holiday, unreligiously. Confounding to say the least. It's almost bizarre. I know it may sound crazy--for different people on different levels--that you can celebrate a holiday without any religious affiliation.

Easter is interesting; for me it is synonymous with Christianity. The easter bunny, the eggs, whatever. It's all nice and all, but for me, it is birthed directly out of religious doctrine. A celebration; 40 days of lent, the tail after Fat Tuesday, and a crescendo on that beautiful grace-filled Sunday. But for some it's just a Spring celebration.

We had dinner, a few drinks, a lot of good food, laughed a bit, and just had fun. I don't think prior I've gone an Easter Sunday without going to church. Honest to God, I haven't missed too many a week without going to church, but Easter Sunday, it would be heretical not to go. No, it's not that, it wasn't even dogmatic; it was just a sweet fun, yet very ethereal reminder of where we had come from and what we had to be thankful of.

I mean Christmas, Thanksgiving, the holidays are different. I knew that there were somewhat of legitimizing forays off away from any religious tantamount that people would value and exercise. Granted, it's the holidays; Santa and Pilgrims and good food. But for some reason, call it ignorance, Easter really didn't seem like one of those days. I thought it was purely religious based with a slight offramp into eggs and rabbits and grossly engrossing sugar filled treats.

It's a new year for me. And humbly I move forward, luckily learning, and happily living.

Kudos Kids.

Live Relentlessly,
Remoy Philip