Man, I wanna chill with Sufjan
How badace are turtles? I mean think about it. They got their homes on their back; so wherever they go, they have the opportunity to be rockin' life at their own peace. I mean they can be chillin on the beach one day, and then globe-trekkin' the next. I mean I want to have that life.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I mean sometimes thinking is just dumb. I'm working on losing my thought processes. I'm saying adios to my ego, aka my inner man. I mean who needs to think. Thinking has only got me in trouble in the past. That's it. I'm going to be numb to thought.
I'm telling you, Jack Johnson is a gift from God. I'm not just talking about his handsome simple looks, or his style that is what all Hollister boys wish they could be; but I'm talking about the tunes that flow from his acoustic and his gentle voice. The lyrics to his melodies are so simple and paint more than just pictures, more importantly, he's able to grasp the environment and feel of the emotions of the song. He's an impressionistic painter but in plaid shorts and a t-shirt. His art more than just shows you the amazing beauty of God's green earth, but he can actually take you to the ocean. An ocean that abounds with simple salt air, and forms of love that can only be described in three-verse prose.
So finding a newness of life is so intriguing. You are born with an innate nature to be independent of anyone or anything. But then you hit that initial part of the rollercoaster. I mean you're climbing steadily with everyone and everything you've ever known. There is no fear, no trepidation, or no trembling on the climb. Well, before you know it, you're right at the climax of the first drop, and you start peaking over the edge. The Zero Gravity grabs your stomach, your throat, and moreover your fear of losing your mortality; You so desperately want to climb over all the cars to get back to the beginning. You can't find the rewind or previous chapter button. All you can do is gasp and let out an "oh shit." Then I guess all I can do is hold on and try not to lose my lunch.
Well, that's my ramble scramble thought life. So much for not thinking. Damn, I foiled myself. Well, I guess it's good to be got by one's self lest by another's self. I mean let's keep doing this, it's becoming a joy.
Be Relentless,