rockin' it hard

So quick updates.

The other day I got to be part of the beginnings of an arranged marriage. Oh don't freak out about our Indian custom. It's not something crazy or unthought of any more. All it is a blind date that may lead to more. If you're into the person, you pursue the relationship until the wedding bells ring. If not, you say, "Nice meeting you. You were swell but not swell enough." My cousin's date was fun. Hard for her, because she was on a date with him and his two handsome cousins(One of them was me. I'm handsome. Oh, you know I am). But it was fun. Probably more fun for me, cause I got to watch the nervousness unfold into a little giddiness. Whether it will lead to marriage, I'm not sure, but I know they both left with smiles on their faces.

Today, Sam and I played three junior high kids in some tag football. We tried to take it easy on the boys, but it was too easy. Sam's got a good two feet on the kids. And with my accuracy combined with my arm strength, our offensive side was unstoppable. Now to where the game was won. We brought the defense and we brought it hard. We didn't rush, but we just hung out in coverage. Interception after interception. They do say good defense is your best offense... Truthfully, we actually got beat. We got beat bad. We are old and out of shape. It was our day of reckoning, and we reckoned bad.

This Sunday I'm going to speak at Graffiti church in Manhattan. It's my first time speaking in a church service; however, I'm only speaking for about ten minutes. And I'll be damned, if it's not my best ten minutes ever. I'm bringing the word on "transition." Particularly dealing with my transition to the NYC. I could use your prayers for this mini endeavor.

I'm rockin' it, and rockin' it hard. I thank you again for loving me, and lifting me up. You don't understand how much I need you.

Be Relentless,
Remoy Philip