the Sitcom life...

So I tried hiding from the fact, but I hate being back in Atown. It's frustrating the hell out of me and here is why:

I hate seeing the people I can't stand. I mean people who I pulled the wool over my eyes over for. I tried to like so many people and so forth tried to make them like me.

But what is worse, is the fact that I have to say goodbye to the people I love. The people who laugh at the worthless jokes that seem to come out of the sword that is my mouth. The people who love me no matter how much I stumble through life. I come through the playfullness of life all beaten and bruised, but for some reason there are people who still love me. Those are the people I miss (I didn't forget the "will").

For that reason, I hate being back. I was good in Philly. I was far away, but I knew I would be coming back home. But now, I know I won't be coming back; At least for awhile.

I truly thought I had beat that whole fear of change thing. However, it came creeping back. It was a sly sidler (that's an old school Seinfeld reference. Get off me... You know that was tight). I stood steadfast knowing that I wouldn't fall into the Corey Matthews character who was scared of the new freshness that life brings. But as Shawn Hunter once said, "TV is the true reflection of our lives." He couldn't have said it any better. (Two 90's sitcom references in one paragraph . Yeah, you definately know this Indian is blazin'.)

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Be Relentless,
Remoy Philip