The Essence to Spirituality...

(Opinion Post)

I don't care if you're Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or you serve the aliens of Scientology. The truth to spirituality, is being yourself.

I like to tell stories. I my favorites include "cookie-cutters." If you happen to meander into a story about how "I baked cookies and found the appropriate cookie-cutters," then beware for possible lack of individuality.

I am not a monkey. I'm not a pack leader, I'm not a warrior, I don't have a silver streak running down my shoulder blades, I'm not a baby, I'm not a mother, I am Remoy Philip. I live my life day-by-day and second-by-second being me. It's not a constant struggle, but a everyday choice to be me. I wake up with the mentality, "My life is mine. And God has granted me with me." That is the biggest tribute to divinity and grace.

God has endowed us with a destiny and a future. Monkeys can think, reason, and maybe even create. But however, they do not have the gift of individuality. They cannot think to themselves one morning, "I am me. My future is an account to the decisions I make, and the decisions of the world around me." Maybe, I've got it all wrong. Hell, maybe monkeys find that their future is worth more if they eat their own feces.

Here is the catch 22 of this whole statement. Let not I be the judge of who you are. I'm just a man with horrible judgement. Understanding who you are, gives you the abiltity to say, "Screw you Indian. I am myself. I'm not an expanse, but a human with the abiltiy that God has bestowed on me, and I continue to grow and perpetuate the idea of me."

That's it I'm done.

Be Relentlesss,
Remoy Philip